Yorkton United FC

Thank you for your interest in coaching with Yorkton United FC.

Please email Mike Jakubiec at techdirector@yorktonunitedfc.ca to discuss options in joining our coaching team.  In the meantime please review the info below and the provincial coaching standards.

Parent Coaches

Parent coaches (parents coaching their own child) are the basis of our programming.  Parent coaches are involved in U5 to U19 for both community and club programs.  Interested parents will need to complete the provincial coaching standards within the first year of coaching.  Then YUFC will wave the program registration fees for their child (only one), for as long as they continue to coach with our programs. 

Non-parent Coaches

Non-parent coaches are people over the age of 18 or who graduated from High School.  These coaches will need to complete the provincial coaching standards.  Once completed an honorarium payment structure will be put in place for these coaches.  

Honorarium Payment Structure

Returning coaches will receive a $1 raise per calendar year,  to a max of 3 years. Once a coach achieves the next license they start again at the base rate. 

  • Community Stream - $15 Base,  $18 Max.
  • C-License - $18 Base, $21 Max
  • B-License or Youth - $22 Base, $26 Max

Student Coach Credit Program

The purpose of the Student Coach Credit Program is to provide the framework and opportunity for student-athletes to not only begin giving back to our club, but also get them started on their own coaching development pathway. The program is built for students in grades 10 through 12, by completing the Canada Soccer Grassroots Coach Education Programs and gaining valuable practical experience through coaching within the local soccer community.

For more information on the Program please contact Mike Jakubiec at ​​​​​​​techdirector@yorktonunitedfc.ca.